Wanna know about us?
From an idea of Matteo Bidoglia and Paul Audia the Guitar Tutorials project is born, a wonderful audio and video experience to get to know the guitar and the great performers who have made the history of this magnificent instrument.
Through the power and immediacy of the video you can learn solos and rhythms, know the techniques used for the performance and have free access to all the tabs transcribed by the staff of Guitar Tutorials.
You just have to turn on the amp…

Can a Guitarist Save the Planet?
The sale of Gilmour’s guitar collections is worth 21 million dollars The highly anticipated auction of David Gilmour’s personal guitar collection has driven the guitar world crazy! It began with the spectacular sale of $ 1,095,000 of Gilmour’s 1969 Martin D-35, the same guitar played in Pink Floyd’s Wish You Were Here song. Gilmour’s Stratocaster […]

Gibson launches a threat to guitar builders…changing his mind a little later!
Gibson did a great job in restoring confidence after the stormy 2018 with new CEO James ‘JC’ Curleigh. Mark Agnesi, Director of Brand Experience, recently appointed, threatens to ruin that goodwill by publishing a thinly veiled threat to fellow electric guitar manufacturers. In a recent YouTube upload entitled ‘Play Authentic’, Agnesi highlights Gibson’s trademarks, according […]

The Kemper conquers Mark Knopfler!
Is it the tube amp’s sunset? Last month, John Mayer sent the electric guitar world into a feverishness when he was spotted using an Axe Fx live, and now Dire Straits legend Mark Knopfler has been caught using digital amps onstage. In a blog by Knopfler’s keyboard player and co-producer Guy Fletcher, he revealed that the iconic player had […]
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